The app I developed (with Swift 3 and xcode 8) is ready for iOS 10, but my boss wants it to work with iOS 8 because he has an iPhone with 8.2: when I plugged his iPhone to my Mac and started to build the project, it failed because some features are available only on iOS 9.0 or higher.
I did some research and came across some options, but since I'm a beginner I don't know what would be better. Let me share them with you:
The best solution would be to check the iOS version programatically and only call the problematic methods if the user's phone actually supports them. Otherwise keep that functionality hidden from the user.
This is how you can check iOS version from code:
if #available(iOS 9, *) {
// iOS 9 Swift code
} else {
//Hide the methods from the users on older OS versions
That wouldn't work, since most system APIs are not language dependent. If a certain API/feature was only added in a certain iOS version, that requirement stays the same regardless of whether you use Objective-C or Swift.
Same as 1.
This is a feasible option of course.
AFAIK, you can change the target iOS version in a later update.
If you want to achieve a functionality that uses an API which was only introduced in iOS9, even hybrid frameworks need that iOS version if they use built-in iOS APIs.