I have been attempting to use Zend Translate to display translated menu items to the user.
It works fine until I introduce special characters into the translation files.
I instantiate the Zend_Translate object in my bootstrap and pass it in as a translator into Zend_Navigation:
$translate = new Zend_Translate(
array('adapter' => 'tmx',
'content' => APPLICATION_PATH .'/languages/translation.tmx',
'locale' => 'es'
I have used several different adapters (array,tmx) in order to see if that made a difference. I ended up with a TMX file that is encoded using ISO-8859-1 (otherwise that throws an XML parse error when introducing the menu item "Administrar Applicación".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE tmx SYSTEM "tmx14.dtd">
<tmx version="1.4">
<header creationtoolversion="1.0.0" datatype="tbx" segtype="sentence"
adminlang="en" srclang="en" o-tmf="unknown"
creationtool="XYZTool" >
<tu tuid='link_signout'>
<tuv xml:lang="en"><seg>Sign Out</seg></tuv>
<tuv xml:lang="es"><seg>Salir</seg></tuv>
<tu tuid='link_signin'>
<tuv xml:lang="en"><seg>Login</seg></tuv>
<tuv xml:lang="es"><seg>Acceder</seg></tuv>
<tu tuid='Manage Application'>
<tuv xml:lang="en"><seg>Manage Application</seg></tuv>
<tuv xml:lang="es"><seg>Administrar Applicación</seg></tuv>
Once I display the menu in the layout:
echo $this->navigation()->menu();
It will display all menu items just fine, EXCEPT the one using special characters. It will simply be blank.
NOW - If I use PHP's UTF8-encode inside of the zend framework class 'Menu' which I DO NOT want to do:
Line 215 in Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu:
if ($this->getUseTranslator() && $t = $this->getTranslator()) {
if (is_string($label) && !empty($label)) {
$label = utf8_encode($t->translate($label));
if (is_string($title) && !empty($title)) {
$title = utf8_encode($t->translate($title));
Then it works. The menu item display correctly and all is joyful.
The thing is, I do not want to modify the library.
Is there some kind of an encoding setting in either zend translate or zend navigation that I am not finding?
Please Help!
Zend Library Version: 1.11
I had a related problem: zend form didn't display latin characters like ñ. Try adding the following to your _initView function in bootstrap.php: