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How to Iterate over Alphabets in Python

Lets suppose a=0,b=1....,z=25,aa=26,...and so on.

How do I form a list in python to find the index for any given alphabet suppose ey?

book = xlrd.open_workbook(input("Enter name of the excel file "))
print("the sheets in the excel file are :")
for name in table_list:
first_sheet = book.sheet_by_index(table_list.index(input("Enter sheet name ")))

arrayofvalues = first_sheet.col_values(152,2,239)

I need to use the obtained value in the col_val function.

Is there any other method?


  • It is a base-26 conversion, with a little twist (a works as a zero only at the rightmost place):

    def col2idx(colname):
        colname = colname.lower()
        idx = 0
        for digit in colname:
            idx *= 26
            idx += ord(digit) - ord('a') + 1
        return idx - 1
    print(col2idx('a'))  # == 0
    print(col2idx('b'))  # == 1
    print(col2idx('c'))  # == 2
    print(col2idx('z'))  # == 25
    print(col2idx('aa'))  # == 26
    print(col2idx('ab'))  # == 27
    print(col2idx('az'))  # == 51
    print(col2idx('aij'))  # == 919
    print(col2idx('amj'))  # == 1023
    print(col2idx('zzad'))  # == 474581