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Best practices using python mock for testing functions within sub modules

So, consider I have a simple library that I am trying to write unit-tests for. This library talks to a database and then uses that data to call an SOAP API. I have three modules, and a testfile for each module.

dir structure:



import mysqlclient
class Db(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._client = mysqlclient.Client()

    def data(self):
        return self._client.some_query()
import soapclient
class Api(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._client = soapclient.Client()

    def call(self):
        return self._client.some_external_call()
from db import Db
from api import Api

class MyLib(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.db = Db()
        self.api = Api()

    def caller(self):

import mock
from mypkg.db import Db

def test_db(mysqlclient_mock):
    mysqlclient_mock.Client.return_value.some_query = {'data':'data'}
    db = Db()
    assert == {'data':'data'}
import mock
from mypkg.api import Api

def test_db(soap_mock):
    soap_mock.Client.return_value.some_external_call = 'foo'
    api = Api()
    assert == 'foo'

In the above example, mypkg.main.MyLib calls mypkg.db.Db() (uses third-party mysqlclient) and then mypkg.api.Api() (uses third-party soapclient)

I am using mock.patch to patch the third-party libraries to mock my db and api calls in test_db and test_api separately.

Now my question is, is it recommended to patch these external calls again in test_main OR simply patch db.Db and api.Api? (this example is pretty simple, but in larger libraries, the code becomes cumbersome when patching the external calls again or even using test helper functions that patch internal libraries).

Option1: patch external libraries in main again
import mock
from mypkg.main import MyLib

def test_main(soap_mock, mysqlcient_mock):
    ml = MyLib()
    soap_mock.Client.return_value.some_external_call = 'foo'
    assert ml.caller() == 'foo'

Option2: patch internal libraries
import mock
from mypkg.main import MyLib

def test_main(api_mock, db_mock):
    ml = MyLib()
    api_mock.return_value = 'foo'
    assert ml.caller() == 'foo'


  • mock.patch creates a mock version of something where it's imported, not where it lives. This means the string passed to mock.patch has to be a path to an imported module in the module under test. Here's what the patch decorators should look like in


    Also, the handles you have on your patched modules (api_mock and db_mock) refer to the classes, not instances of those classes. When you write api_mock.return_value = 'foo', you're telling api_mock to return 'foo' when it gets called, not when an instance of it has a method called on it. Here are the objects in and how they relate to api_mock and db_mock in your test:

    Api is a class                     : api_mock
    Api() is an instance               : api_mock.return_value
    Api().call is an instance method   :
    Api().call() is a return value     :
    Db is a class                      : db_mock
    Db() is an instance                : db_mock.return_value
    Db().data is an attribute          :
 should therefore look like this:

    import mock
    from mypkg.main import MyLib
    def test_main(api_mock, db_mock):
        ml = MyLib()
    = 'foo' = 'some data' # we need this to test that the call to api_mock had the correct arguments.
        assert ml.caller() == 'foo''some data')

    The first patch in Option 1 would work great for unit-testing, because it gives the db module a mock version of mysqlclient. Similarly, @mock.patch('mypkg.api.soapclient') belongs in

    I can't think of a way Option 2 could help you unit-test anything.

    Edited: I was incorrectly referring to classes as modules. and are modules