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Upload non-R objects to Dropbox without local Dropbox directory

I know that there is a package (rDrop) to upload R objects into Dropbox.

I'm using stargazer to consolidate my regressions in clean HTML tables.

Is there a way to upload these into Dropbox as well? So not R objects? Or is there a workaround to get the job done - maybe by defining a working directory?

The main problem I'm facing is that I'm working from a cloud instance and cannot install Dropbox there. So I am looking for a way to upload to Dropbox without having a local Dropbox directory.


  • You can use the rDrop2 package to upload ANY file into Dropbox - it's just an API wrapper for the Dropbox service.

    Below is some pseudocode which should work once you authenticate on your own machine using the package:

    #load your data
    #build your model
    mod <- lm(Petal.Width ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width, data=iris)
    #save your html 
    table_html <- stargazer::stargazer(mod, type = "html")
    #write html to disk
    write(x = table_html, file = "html_regression.html")
    #get most recent version of the rdrop2 package
    #not, the package is based on the v1 API which will soon cease to 
    #load library and authenticate
    #check directory exists
    #upload your html to dropbox
    drop_upload("html_regression.html", dest = "stargazer_regressions")

    Final output below:

    enter image description here