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How to set DOM attribute (i.e. style) using Reason/Bucklescript?

How would I write the following JavaScript:

var element = document.querySelector('.element') = 'red'

in Reason?

So far I have:

[@@@bs.config {no_export: no_export}];

external document : Dom.document = "document" [@@bs.val];

external query_selector : Dom.document => string => Dom.element = "querySelector" [@@bs.send];

let element = query_selector document ".element";

And that compiles just fine.

But how would I be able to set an attribute (i.e. style) on element?


  • So first of all, this is available in bs-webapi already. But if you want to recreate (and simplify) it, here's how:

    external document : Dom.document = "document" [@@bs.val];
    external querySelector : string => option Dom.element = "" [@@bs.send.pipe: Dom.document] [@@bs.return null_to_opt];
    external style : Dom.element => Dom.cssStyleDeclaration = "" [@@bs.get];
    external setColor : Dom.cssStyleDeclaration => string => unit = "color" [@@bs.set];
    let () =
        switch (document |> querySelector ".element") {
          | Some element => setColor (style element) "red";
          | None => ()

    You can also throw type-safety out the window and just do it like this:

    external document : Js.t {..} = "document" [@@bs.val];
    let () = {
      let element = document##querySelector ".element";
      element##style##color #= "red"

    But then I'm guessing you're doing this to learn, in which case the latter would be a terrible idea.