I'm learning ANN, I did two script (in fortran90 and python) for simple binary classification problem.
I first did without bias, and I get a good convergence. But adding a bias for each node it does not converge anymore (or everything is going near to 0 or everything near to 1)
The bias is 1 and has a specific weight for each node. It is randomly initialized and then update adding delta such as others weights. I have tried to change gradient step size but it still doing the same thing.
Someone has any clues ?....
The network :
(each column is a LAYERS (each column is
training data) (2layers of 3node) the wanted result)
W1 .___W2__. W3
|0|1|0|1|--\/_-\->|___|___|______\_--> |1|1|0|0|
The activation function is a sigmoid (1/(1+exp(-x)))
The weight are initialized with a normal distribution in range of [-1, 1]
you may have problem :
you should also be careful of your learning step, if it's too large you can't converge.