In my personal project I am using:
dev-master / 2.2.x-dev
[link 1], [link 2], [link 3] in order to manage Menus.v3.3.7
To setup i used documentation in [2], [3] and code samples [4]. My menu is working, integration between Bootstrap
and KnpMenuBundle
also works.
Menu bundle works fine, simple translating works and integration works too.
My ProfileMenu
code sample:
public function profileMenu(array $options)
$menu = $this->factory->createItem('root');
$menu->setChildrenAttribute('class', 'nav navbar-nav navbar-right');
$menu->addChild('Profile', array('label' => 'menu.profile'))
->setExtras(array('dropdown' => true, 'icon' => 'fa fa-user'))
->setLinkAttribute('class', "dropdown-toggle")
->setLinkAttribute('data-toggle', "dropdown")
->setExtra('translation_domain', 'menu');
$menu['Profile']->setChildrenAttribute("class", "dropdown-menu")
->addChild('Logged in as', array('label' => 'layout.logged_in_as'))
->setExtra('divider_append', true)
->setExtra('translation_domain', 'FOSUserBundle');
$menu['Profile']->setChildrenAttribute("class", "dropdown-menu")
->addChild('My data', array('label' => 'menu.profile.myData', 'route' => 'fos_user_profile_show'))
->setExtra('translation_domain', 'menu');
$menu['Profile']->setChildrenAttribute("class", "dropdown-menu")
->addChild('Edit data', array('label' => 'menu.profile.editMyData', 'route' => 'fos_user_profile_edit'))
->setExtra('translation_domain', 'menu');
$menu['Profile']->setChildrenAttribute("class", "dropdown-menu")
->addChild('Change password', array('label' => 'menu.profile.changePassword', 'route' => 'fos_user_change_password'))
->setExtra('translation_domain', 'menu');
$menu['Profile']->setChildrenAttribute("class", "dropdown-menu")
->addChild('Exit', array('label' => 'menu.profile.logout', 'route' => 'fos_user_security_logout'))
->setExtra('divider_prepend', true)
->setExtra('translation_domain', 'menu');
return $menu;
menu rendering is shown in following image
How can i pass translation parameters (namely %username%
) to menu (powered by KnpMenuBundle) and get it to render as intended?
How can one supply arguments:
|trans({'%username%': app.user.username}
in the MenuBuilder
The code block in question is
$menu['Profile']->setChildrenAttribute("class", "dropdown-menu")
->addChild('Logged in as', array('label' => 'layout.logged_in_as'))
->setExtra('divider_append', true)
->setExtra('translation_domain', 'FOSUserBundle');
namely label
Translating strings with parameters ordinarily, one would supply arguments like so:
<li><a href="#">{{ 'layout.logged_in_as'|trans({'%username%': app.user.username}, 'FOSUserBundle') }}</a></li>
Yet, i can not seem to figure out how to pass them in case of using KnpMenuBundle
and Bootstrap
Please advise.
Thank you for your time and knowledge.
You could declare your MenuBuilder as a service like this
class: AppBundle\Menu\MenuBuilder
- @knp_menu.factory
- @security.token_storage
- @translator.default
Update MenuBuilder
's constructor according to the dependencies on the above definition
With this you have access to all the things you need to perform your traduction
$user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser(); // If you are under a path protect by security.yml access_constrol
$yourLoggedInTraduction = $this->translator->trans(
'layout.logged_in_as', [
'%username%' => $user->getUsername()
You should have your traduction and then map it to your profileMenu(...)
function logic
I don't use sames version of symfony/knpMenu than you so maybe this code won't work directly but you just have to adapt to your needs
Ask for question if you want if it isn't clear
I hope I have helped you, if yes please mark the post as resolved ! : )