I have the following dataframe, where '' is considered as empty:
df = pd.DataFrame({1: ['a', 'b', 'c']+ ['']*2, 2: ['']*2+ ['d','e', 'f']})
1 2
0 a ''
1 b ''
2 c d
3 '' e
4 '' f
How can I merge/join/combine (I don't know the correct term) col2 into col1 so that I have:
1 2
0 a ''
1 b ''
2 c d
3 e ''
4 f ''
or if I decide to merge col1 into col2:
1 2
0 '' a
1 '' b
2 c d
3 '' e
4 '' f
I would like to be able to decide in which col to merge and the other col should contain the conflict values. Thank you in advance
You can do this using the dataframe method apply()
Sample data:
1 2
0 a
1 b
2 c d
3 e
4 f
Define arbitrary variables:
merge_to_column = 2
other_column = 1
Use apply:
df['output'] = df.apply(lambda x: x[other_column] if x[merge_to_column] == '' else x[merge_to_column], axis=1)
1 2 output
0 a a
1 b b
2 c d d
3 e e
4 f f