I am trying to query an entity with a OneToMany relation but it doesn't work as the subquery DQL is not well converted.
I expect this code :
$subquery = $manager->createQueryBuilder();
->from('MyBundle:Stay', 's')
->where('s.dateDeparture IS NULL')
->where($qb->expr()->notIn('o.id', ':subQuery'))
->setParameter('subQuery', $subquery->getDQL())
to produce :
WHERE o0_.id NOT IN (
SELECT s.occupant_id FROM Stay s WHERE s.date_departure IS NULL
But instead, I have this :
WHERE o0_.id NOT IN (
'SELECT s.occupant FROM MyBundle:Stay s WHERE s.dateDeparture IS NULL'
Here are the problems :
- The subquery is encapsulated between commas
- The SQL fields are not translated from their names in the entity (occupant, dateDeparture) to their MySQL equivalent (occupant_id, date_departure)
- The entity name is used (MyBundle:Stay) and is not converted to its SQL equivalent (Stay)
My other queries work perfectly, as well as the main query encapsulating this one.
I also tried to use the OneToMany relation to do this, as there is an Occupant.stays relation, but I couldn't make it work either.
Here is my Occupant class :
class Occupant
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="EmmausBundle\Entity\Stay", mappedBy="occupant", cascade={"persist"})
* @ORM\OrderBy({"dateArrival" = "DESC"})
private $stays;
And my Stay class :
class Stay
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Occupant", inversedBy="stays")
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="occupant_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $occupant;
* @var \DateTime
* @ORM\Column(name="date_departure", type="datetime", nullable=true)
private $dateDeparture;
Thanks for you help !
Thanks to this answer I found the solution :
->select('IDENTITY (s.occupant)')
->from('EmmausBundle:Stay', 's')
->where('s.dateDeparture IS NULL')