I have write the code like same two times: on root of the file and in the function
$GLOBAL superglobal variable is not working in the function. But same thing already working in out of fuction
Reference: 1. php_superglobals 2. reserved.variables.globals
// working here
$GLOBALS['x'] = "Root of the file";
echo $x;
// same things are not working in the function.
function checkglobal() {
$GLOBALS['z'] = "In the function.";
echo $z;
Root of the file
NOTICE Undefined variable: z on line number 10
I found my mistake in my code. $GLOBALS superglobal variable is used for creating global variable and access that in non-global scope. Need to declare the global variable with "global" keyword, if we want to use directly in non-global scope.
Corrected Code:
// working here
$GLOBALS['x'] = "Root of the file";
echo $x;
// same things are not working in the function.
function checkglobal() {
$GLOBALS['z'] = "In the function.";
global z; // declare global variable *******************
echo $z;
Root of the file
In the function.