I am very new in WordPress and I am trying to create a simple website on company server. I am using the default theme.
Our IT already created a windows server 2016 for hosting the site. I have installed WordPress via Web Platform Installer 5.0
The problem I am encountering is when I am trying to enter the site from my smartphone or any other external PC, it looks the CSS does not take effect. If I am inspecting the elements (via F12) in the browser, I can see localhost instead of the IP of the site.
How can I replace the localhost to the website IP in my WordPress configuration? Or let say where do I need to set the IP during the installation?
Update: I performed a fresh installation of WordPress and just selected the theme.
One possibility is that the CSS file path is hardcoded in header.php template.
Other possibility would be that the WordPress URL and Site URL in Settings > General has localhost path in it.