I've managed to send all local files to the target ftp server folder with following config:
@ServiceActivator(inputChannel = FtpDef.FTP_OUTBOUND_CHANNEL)
public MessageHandler handler() {
FtpMessageHandler handler = new FtpMessageHandler(ftpSessionFactory());
// only one path can be set here
new LiteralExpression("/path/on/ftp/"));
return handler;
now I need each file saved in a directory structure as the local.
/base/a/a.txt => /path/on/ftp/a/a.txt
/base/a/aa.txt => /path/on/ftp/a/aa.txt
/base/b/b.txt => /path/on/ftp/b/b.txt
/base/b/bb.txt => /path/on/ftp/b/bb.txt
how can I accomplish that, I
new LiteralExpression("/path/on/ftp/")
Don't use a LiteralExpression
, which is, er... literal.
Instead, use:
new SpelExpressionParser().parseExpression(rdExpression)
Where rdExpression
is something like...
"'/path/on/ftp/' + payload.absolutePath"