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Array in sas for Concatinating strings

I have a data with name and strings,I want to add all the strings(col1,col2,etc..) into one column. The number of strings are not fixed they may be more or less sometimes. I can do this with catx but do not know how to achieve this with array. Below is my data set. Please Guide.

data a;    

    input name$  col1$ col2$ col3$ col4$;

Harry abc dcd vgd bvd
peter cvc fgf ghg ghh
John fgg ftg uty gfdg
sheyala fgf jty fhf fgr

here is my code:

data test;
length result $50;
set a;
result=Compress(catx(';',of col1-col4),'0D0A'x);

But the number of strings are not fixed.

Thanks & Regards, Sanjay


  • You can define an array with an undetermined number of elements. This assumes all your columns start with col.

    data test;
    length result $50;
    set a;
    array c[*] col:;
    result = "";
    do i=1 to dim(c);
        result = Compress(catx(';',result,c[i]),'0D0A'x);
    drop i;

    col: tells SAS that you want all variables starting with col and the [*] in the array tells SAS to define the number of elements itself. Use the dim() function to get that number and loop over the values.


    As noted in the comments, the follow approaches also work.

    Without using arrays:

    data test;
    length result $50;
    set a;
    result = Compress(catx(';',of col:),'0D0A'x);

    Or if you still want the array:

    data test;
    length result $50;
    set a;
    array c[*] col:;
    result = Compress(catx(';',of c[*]),'0D0A'x);