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Objective-c long-running background service for bluetooth, when app backgrounded

I can't seem to find the right documentation, tutorial or SO post to point me towards the right implementation so far... even though there are many posts about this topic floating around.


I have an app that connects (pairs) to a BT device I built. What I want, is when the user presses the home button or backgrounds the app I want to send an update through a BT service layer to a BT device on a regular interval. I am doing this now (only fires once) in the applicationWillResignActive and applicationDidEnterBackground methods and it works perfectly. The problem is that I can only perform this once it seems. Any loops, timers, background type services that I start up in these methods, die very soon there after.

What I need

Is for the application to keep looking for my BT device in the background and every 10 seconds or so and send an update to the device. I first need to check to make sure the app is still backgrounded, but once I know its in the background I wanna send the update. When the app comes back in focus I can stop the updates to the BT device but its crucial that it sends them when the app is not in focus.


I have found these SO posts (long-running tasks, background task execution handler, using this in an NSTimer loop... but it dies) but they have not helped with implementation at all.


  • When I wrote this post I was far too new to OBJ-C and didn't quite understand the concept of delegate methods with the proper access level to fire in the background (i.e. info.plist access under bluetooth-central).

    The end result a month later was to build a peripheral device that could wake up the application in a timed loop via subscribed characteristic updates. Once the app wakes up, you have 10 seconds to handle the event that has just occurred and since I am only saving off a copy of the data that the device posted, all is well.