Search code examples

How to remove sitecore item field from indexing for coveo search

I want to know how to remove sitecore item field from indexing for coveo search. I know it will possible trough coveo.searchprovider.config link description here

<exclude hint="list:AddExcludedField">

But I want to be create property at field level which will indicate to exclude from index and using that property checkbox I want to exclude from coveo index.

Will it be poosible trough pipeline which explain following blog


  • Yes, an inbound filter is what you are looking for.

    public class ApplyCoveoInboundIndexShouldBeExcludedFieldFilter : AbstractCoveoInboundFilterProcessor
        public override void Process(CoveoInboundFilterPipelineArgs args)
            if (args.IndexableToIndex != null && !args.IsExcluded && ShouldExecute(args)) {
                if (ItemShouldBeExcluded(args.IndexableToIndex.Item)) {
                    args.IsExcluded = true;           
        private bool ItemShouldBeExcluded(IItem item) {
            return item.GetFieldValue("SHOULD_INDEX_ITEM_FIELD_NAME") == "0";

    Modify the ItemShouldBeExcluded method according to your needs.