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Prevent IEditableObject.BeginEdit() is called multiple times

I have an entity, e.g. customer inherited from IEditableObject, like described here:

public class Customer : IEditableObject
    private Boolean backupAvailable = false;
    private ThisObject backupData;

    public void BeginEdit()
        if (!backupAvailable)
            this.backupData.Name = this.Name;
            backupAvailable = true;

    public void CancelEdit()
        if (backupAvailable)
            this.Name = this.backupData.Name;
            backupAvailable = false;

    public void EndEdit()
        if (backupAvailable)
            backupData = new ThisObject();
            backupAvailable = false;

In my UI class I have a BindingSource, where all controls are bind to, and 2 buttons "Change" and "Cancel":

BindingSource BSCustomer;

private void buttonChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void buttonCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

This works fine.

But now I've detected, that BeginEdit() is not only called from my explicit call, but called from many other code, e.g.:

BSCustomer.AllowNew = true;





When I click now the button "Change", backupAvailable is already set with wrong values. When I click "Cancel" the wrong values are wrote back.

Are there any possibilities to prevent this callings? Or can I differ in BeginEdit() where the call comes from?


  • Just removing :IEditableObject is the solution. Without that, BeginEdit() is just called when it's called manually.

    All the credits to Ivan.