Could anyone please tell why while running sbt gen-idea with plugin 'addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.6.0")' stucks at creating the module 'lagom-internal-meta-project-cassandra'.
[info] Creating IDEA module for project 'lagom-internal-meta-project-cassandra' ...
[error] Missing extra test configuration
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at
org.sbtidea.Settings.logErrorAndFail(Settings.scala:11) at
org.sbtidea.Settings$$anonfun$setting$1.apply(Settings.scala:16) at
Because the meta projects are projects that don't have all the regular settings that a normal sbt project has. I'm not surprised that it doesn't work, but we never bothered to test with the gen-idea plugin because that plugin has been superseded by IntelliJ's own sbt support for several years, which is far better than the sbt plugin. You should use IntelliJ support, it's so much simpler, easier to use and provides a much better user experience.