(Android React-Native 0.47)
How could i do to give the two PopularTab
diff params
and get this params
in PopularTab
, I've try many times ,but failed.
the only params
i can get is navigation.key
and navigation.routeName
const Popular = TabNavigator({
IOS: {
screen: PopularTab,
//I try to code here to set the params but fail.
//eg: data: 'param1'
Android: {
screen: PopularTab,
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
tabBarOptions: {
activeTintColor: '#e91e63',
There are three ways to achieve this, see which suits your need.
seems also suit your needs, with unidirectional design pattern.
helper function
function ScreenWithDefaultParams(Comp, defaultParams) {
return class extends Component {
render() {
return (<Comp {...this.props} screenProps={defaultParams} />)
TabNavigation definition
IOS: {
screen: ScreenWithDefaultParams(PopularTab, {test: 'default'})
And then you can get it inside PopularTab
class PopularTab extends Component {
render() {
/* get default screenProps */
console.log('default screenProps here!', this.props.screenProps);
Although it works, there's some problem with it. Firstly, as you see you got warning about Render methods should be a pure function of props and state; constructor side-effects are an anti-pattern, that is because every time you call setParams, navigationOptions will be trigger again so react-native warn you that might be an anti-pattern, or might cause an infinite loop.
Although we know it won't be an infinite loop, the warning won't disappear because react-native compiler never satisfied with it.
helper function
function setDefaultParams(nav, defaultParams) {
const { state, setParams } = nav.navigation;
const params = state.params || {};
let token = btoa(JSON.stringify(defaultParams));
if (params[token]) return;
setParams({ [token]: true, ...defaultParams });
TabNavigation definition
IOS: {
screen: PopularTab,
navigationOptions: (nav) => {
setDefaultParams(nav, {test: 'default'});
And then you can get it inside PopularTab
class PopularTab extends Component {
render() {
const { state, setParams, navigate } = this.props.navigation;
const params = state.params || {};
/* get default set params */
console.log('default param here!', params.test);
If you want to make it happens with normal Component
TabNavigation definition
IOS: {
screen: (props) => <PopularTab {...props} test='default' />,
And then you can get it inside PopularTab
class PopularTab extends Component {
render() {
/* get default props */
console.log('default props here!', this.props.test);