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Azure Machine Learning: What error is this?

I am using a Classic Web Service with a non-default endpoint for a Update Resource activity on the Azure Data Factory. This is the error I get:

Screenshot of Error

I didn't find any info on the web and couldn't figure it out myself. This website shows an example that I used by just filling in my values for mlEndpoint, apiKey and updateRessourceEndpoint:

    "name": "updatableScoringEndpoint2",
    "properties": {
        "type": "AzureML",
        "typeProperties": {
            "mlEndpoint": " experiment--/jobs",
            "apiKey": "endpoint2Key",
            "updateResourceEndpoint": " experiment--/endpoints/endpoint2"

There is no mention of a token that needs to be passed...


  • this error is basically saying the apiKey you provided is invalid to perform the update resource operation. Here is some posts for your reference:

    Please also be noted that if you modified your linked service in ADF, remember to re-deploy the pipeline as well to reflect your change in time.