I have a problem changing background color of navigation bar on MFMessageComposeViewController
I've tried this code:
UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor = Configuration.Colors.navigationBarBackgroundColor
UINavigationBar.appearance().backgroundColor = UIColor.green
UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "Roboto-Regular", size: 18)!, NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.white] as [String: AnyObject]
let composer = MFMessageComposeViewController()
self?.present(composer, animated: true) {
UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent
And this is not working. The most strange thing is that it do work when I do the same for MFMailComposeViewController
I also tried to change color directly on composer like this.
composer.navigationBar.tintColor = Configuration.Colors.navigationBarBackgroundColor
I looks that i found workaround. Somehow setting composer.navigationBar.barTintColor
and UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor
are not working.
The workaround is to use
and set UIImage with one color as background
Full working code:
UINavigationBar.appearance().setBackgroundImage(UIImage.from(color: UIColor.green), for: .default)
let composer = MFMessageComposeViewController()
self?.present(composer, animated: true, completion: nil)
to create UIImage
with one color:
extension UIImage {
static func from(color: UIColor) -> UIImage {
let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
let img = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return img!