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Business pack treeview dotvvm - all tree nodes collapse after redirect

I use business pack treeview component for menu. What I want to archieve is that when I click on item Chleba for example, it will redirect me to details of this category and also items Potraviny and Pečivo should be expanded. Both items must have this css class bp-state-expanded. Right now when I am redirected to details, all items from treeview are collapsed

Below is sample of my category menu.

enter image description here

CategoryList contains all categories which are displayed in treeview.

CategorySelectedList contains single object where I clicked.

public List<CategoryListDTO> CategoryList { get; set; } = new List<CategoryListDTO>();
public List<CategoryListDTO> CategorySelectedList { get; set; } = new List<CategoryListDTO>();

Here is my redirect method to details

public void RedirectToCategory()
    var details = CategorySelectedList.FirstOrDefault();
    var productId = details.Id;
    var productCategory = details.Name;
    Context.RedirectToRoute(Routes.Product, new { ProductCategory = productCategory, Id = productId });

Is there a way how I can archieve this?


  • We have implemented auto-expanding of items in SelectedValues collection. It will be available in a release coming later this month.