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Is there already FUSE filesystem that serialise each request to a stream?


nc -lp 1234 -e fusexmp_server
nc 1234 -c "fusestream /mnt/tmp"


  1. Easy implementation of servers in high level language (without need of any arch-dependent things like JNI or whatever)
  2. Simple ad-hoc networking filesystem out of the box.
  3. Accessibility without actual FUSE (when it is inaccessible):
nc -lp 1234 -e fusexmp_server&
fakefusestream 1234
% ls
bin lib usr proc etc
% get /etc/hosts
% exit

Like simple RPC of FUSE methods. The protocol should simple like IRC and should handle all things FUSE can handle.

Is there already such thing or should I implement it?


  • It seems that ccgfs might help you in that direction. You would run ccgfs-storage on the end where the files are, and ccgfs-mount where the mountpoint is supposed to be, and either of the component is replaceable by a program of yours, presuming it adheres to the stream protocol (doc shipped in tarball). Note that you still need to connect the two components somehow (as in: you decide; it works with stdin/stdout).

    socat (preferable to netcat) works with that too.