I'm using the Peewee ORM with a sqlite table. I have the following sqllite statement:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE '% string1 %' or name LIKE '%string2 %' OR name LIKE '%string3 %'
How can I do this in Peewee ?
Note I have read http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/querying.html#query-operators , but not sure how to apply this here.
You will want:
MyModel.name.contains('string1') |
MyModel.name.contains('string2') |
Or, use case-insensitive LIKE directly:
(MyModel.name ** '%string1%') |
(MyModel.name ** '%string2%') |
(MyModel.name ** '%string3%'))
To do a NOT IN:
MyModel.select().where(MyModel.name.not_in(['string1', 'string2']))