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DapperExtensions Generic<T> Populate Model using Predicates from SeparateModels

I am working on a project that utilizes Dapper, DapperExtensions using Generic Models and I am wondering how I can populate a model using the DapperExtension.GetAll method?

Below is the sql code that returns the records I am trying to filter on using DapperExtensions.

select f.*
from Item f
where f.CurrentStatus = 'Open'
AND f.ItemID not in (SELECT ItemID FROM ItemLog l WHERE f.ItemID = l.ItemID
AND l.Status != 'Escalated'
AND DateLogged <= DATEADD(mi, 25, GetDate())) //<- this value would be replaced with a variable

I did some research and found you can use the Split.on but am not sure if that would be appropriate in this situation or not

The GetAll Method looks like this so we do have the ability to filter on records

public virtual IEnumerable<TModel> GetAll(IList<DbFilter<TModel>> filters = null)
    filters = filters ?? new List<DbFilter<TModel>>();
    using (var db = Context)
        var pg = new PredicateGroup { Operator = GroupOperator.And, Predicates = new List<IPredicate>() };
        foreach (var filter in filters)
             pg.Predicates.Add(Predicates.Field(filter.FilterExpression, filter.FilterOperator, filter.FilterItem));
             return db.GetList<TModel>(pg).ToList();

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I have entertained the idea of also creating a SPROC to populate the model. Just trying to determine the most efficient route.

Well I managed to populate my model using the following method, would still love to hear feedback or possible suggestions.

public async Task<IEnumerable<FormsFnol>> GetLateItems(DateTime responseTime)
     IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString);
     var items = await db.QueryAsync<FormsFnol>(@"
         SELECT f.*
         FROM Item f
         WHERE f.CurrentStatus = 'Open'
         AND f.ItemID not in (SELECT ItemID FROM ItemLog l WHERE f.ItemID = l.ItemID
         AND l.Status != 'Escalated'
         AND DateLogged <= @dateTime
     ", new { @dateTime = responseTime});

     return items;


  • Guess I'll use my answer since I haven't gotten any feedback positive or negative

    public async Task<IEnumerable<FormsFnol>> GetLateItems(DateTime responseTime)
     IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString);
     var items = await db.QueryAsync<FormsFnol>(@"
         SELECT f.*
         FROM Item f
         WHERE f.CurrentStatus = 'Open'
         AND f.ItemID not in (SELECT ItemID FROM ItemLog l WHERE f.ItemID = l.ItemID
         AND l.Status != 'Escalated'
         AND DateLogged <= @dateTime
     ", new { @dateTime = responseTime});
     return items;