I'm currently using the following steps but I'm having trouble compiling:
Add 64bit/32bit NASM to path: C:\Program Files\NASM for 64 bit
//On 32 bit simply switch to x86 native tool
Open native command prompt for VS2015 x64
or run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
== Environment variables that need to be set ==
Set FPSDIR=C:\Dev\OpenSSL\x64\openssl-fips-ecp-2.0.16
== Building Fips compliant module ==
cd openssl-fips-ecp-2.0.16
xcopy inc32\* include\* /O /X /E /H /K
Open ms\do_fips.bat and remove "dll"
[Optional] add "debug" to same line
Open util\mk1mf.pl and add "libcmt.lib LIBCPMT.LIB libcmtd.lib LIBCPMTD.LIB" to EX_LIBS (Line 650 typically)
mkdir lib
copy out32.dbg\* lib\*
mkdir bin
copy util\* bin\*
copy out32.dbg\fips_standalone_sha1.exe bin
== Building ==
cd openssl-1.0.2l
Open util\pl\VC-32.pl
remove "|| $fips " from line 48 and 133
[Optional]Open ms\do_win64a.bat and add "debug" to line 15 right before VC-WIN64A
perl Configure VC-WIN64A fips no-ec2m no-shared -DUNICODE -DOPENSSL_THREADS --with-fipsdir=C:\Dev\OpenSSL\x64\openssl-fips-ecp-2.0.16
nmake -f ms\nt.mak clean
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak clean
nmake -f ms\nt.mak
//On 32 bit be sure to do 32bit dir and
//Configure VC-WIN32
//ms\do_nasm (add debug here too)
Compiler is failing:
.\crypto\rand\rand_lib.c(191): error C2143: syntax error: missing ')' before '*'
.\crypto\rand\rand_lib.c(191): error C2143: syntax error: missing '{' before '*'
.\crypto\rand\rand_lib.c(191): error C2059: syntax error: 'type'
.\crypto\rand\rand_lib.c(192): error C2059: syntax error: ')'
I looked at the code and it seems that it doesn't know what
I searched and it should be included from FIPS directory, but it isn't, what is wrong with my build steps?
Found it, it seems by default the "include" directory is filled with 0kb files for some reason, I overwrited with the 32 bit include (inc32) directory's contents in the FIPS folder to the "include" one, and it seems to have solved the issue.