I see in the normalizer examples that they have a name property "users" being returned on the results object:
result: { users: [ 1, 2 ] },
entities: {
users: {
'1': { id: 1 },
'2': { id: 2 }
I can't seem to figure out how to do this with the nested api response I'm getting. I have both a user and an address reducer that I am trying to pass the results of the normalized response into.
I have a JSON response that looks like this:
id: 1
first_name: First,
last_name: Last,
address: {
data: [
id: 1,
address_one: '123 Street Ave',
address_two: '',
city: 'Some City',
state: 'CA',
zip: '1234'
id: 1
first_name: First,
last_name: Last,
address: {
data: [
id: 2,
address_one: '123 Street Ave',
address_two: '',
city: 'Some City',
state: 'CA',
zip: '1234'
id: 3,
address_one: '321 Avenue Road',
address_two: 'Suite 101',
city: 'Some City',
state: 'CA',
zip: '1234'
My schema looks like this:
import { schema } from 'normalizr'
* Addresses
const address = new schema.Entity('addresses');
const arrayOfAddresses = new schema.Array(address);
* User
export const user = new schema.Entity('users', {
addresses: arrayOfAddresses
addresses: {
data: arrayOfAddresses
export const arrayOfUsers = new schema.Array(user)
Doing: let result = normalize(data, schema.arrayOfUseres)
entities: {
addresses: /* The address data */
users: /* The users with an array of the address ids attached to them*/
result: [1, 2]
What I would really like is the result object to have both the users and the addresses in it:
entities: {
addresses: /* The address data */
users: /* The users with an array of the address ids attached to them */
result: {
addresses: [1, 2, 3]
users: [1, 2]
Is this possible? I've tried several variations of
import * as schema from './schema'
normalize(data, { users: [schema.user], addresses: [schema.address] }
But this just errors out and returns my data back into the result object.
Is this possible?
No. The result
value is always set to match the top structure of your input data per the schema. If your input data doesn't have a first-level key addresses
, it won't be possible.