I am trying click on a menu item in a context menu that is activated by right clicking the taskbar notification icon for the application. I am stumped on how to access the menu. The following code activated the menu but I am not sure how to proceed from there. I am unable to get any information for the popup context menu. Swapy doesn't show any info for the menu.
def anchor_main_window(self, tip="Tooltip Text"):
self.trace("anchor main window")
SWAPY supports "win32" backend only while pywinauto 0.6.0+ also supports "uia" backend (MS UI Automation technology). Differences are described in the Getting Started Guide - highly recommended to read.
If your app is WPF, you must do something like that:
app = Application(backend="uia").connect(path="your_app.exe")
print(app.ContextMenu.menu_items(), )
So the taskbar icons are system level contols while popup menu is an app specific control inside a target app process.