I have a GridView
that has its DataSource
set to BindingSource
, which in turn has its Datasource
property set to a custom IEnumerable <SomeObject>
variable. This custom object comes from Entity Framework's Data context. When I try to modify values from GridView
I get an error 'The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection error
'. This is understandable since I do these modifications when my data context is already disposed but is there a way to just store these changes in the IEnumerable variable and disable it's 'binding' to that disposed data context?
Edit: To simplify, If I declare a new List and set it as a DataSource to the upper mentioned BindingSource, then when updating the rows from GridView, I can see the changes propagated to this List object. But how to do the same when this object is a result of several queries in Data context of Entity Framework which seems to be 'attaching' some kind of remnant to the resulting object.
Here is the relevant code:
using (AmboliCardEntities context = new AmboliCardEntities(Globals.StrEntityConnecitonString))
var transaction = context.tblTransactions.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(a => a.GUID == gTransaction);
if (transaction != null)
var ret = new TransactionData
Transaction = transaction,
ConstantAccumulations = context.tblConstantAccumulations.AsNoTracking()
.Where(a => a.transactionid == gTransaction && a.removed == false).AsNoTracking().ToList(),
Cashbacks = context.tblCashbacks.AsNoTracking()
.Where(a => a.transactionid == gTransaction && a.removed == false).AsNoTracking().ToList(),
PurchasedProducts = context.tblPurchasedProducts.AsNoTracking().Include(a => a.tblProduct)
.Include(a => a.tblProduct.tblProductBrand)
.Include(a => a.tblProduct.tblProductBrand.tblProductCategory)
.Include(a => a.tblVehicle)
.Include(a => a.tblVehicle.tblVehicleTrim)
.Include(a => a.tblVehicle.tblVehicleTrim.tblVehicleModel)
.Include(a => a.tblVehicle.tblVehicleTrim.tblVehicleModel.tblVehicleMake)
.Where(x => x.transactionid == gTransaction)
var vehicles = context.tblVehicles.AsNoTracking().Include(x => x.tblVehicleTrim)
.Include(x => x.tblVehicleTrim.tblVehicleModel)
.Include(x => x.tblVehicleTrim.tblVehicleModel.tblVehicleMake)
.Where(a => a.cardid == transaction.cardguid)
return ret;
I disabled the Lazy Loading of Entity Framework's data context using:
context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
And that forced the data context to retrieve all the values at once. I would, however, like to hear an explanation as to why AsNoTracking()
method did not work.