I am having a problem if I click on keyboard hide button .Following is the code :
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 600
height: 500
title: qsTr("Hello World")
TextField {
id: textfield
anchors.bottom:(inputPanel.visible) ? inputPanel.top : parent.bottom
color: "#2B2C2E"
cursorVisible: activeFocus
selectionColor: Qt.rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15)
selectedTextColor: color
InputPanel {
id: inputPanel
z: 89
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
visible: Qt.inputMethod.visible //** Warning here
Below are the use-cases:
If i click on TextField keyboard pops as expected but when I click on hide keyboard button it's not hiding.
If i click on TextField keyboard pops as expected, next if I double-click on TextField and then click on hide keyboard button it's hiding.
I am also getting a warning as :
QML InputPanel: Binding loop detected for property "visible"
Please suggest.
I don't know what was the issue but when I added the TextField
inside TextInput
everything started to work,Below is the code :
TextInput {
id: textfield
anchors.bottom:(inputPanel.visible) ? inputPanel.top : parent.bottom
color: "#2B2C2E"