I have the code below, which works in swift 2.3. I am struggling to understand how to convert it to swift 3/4 - the issue it those is
Value of type 'Range<Int>' has no member 'map'
let grainSize = CGFloat(0.01)
let min = CGFloat(-3)
let max = CGFloat(3)
let range = Range<Int>(uncheckedBounds: (lower: Int(min/grainSize), upper: Int(max/grainSize)))
let lol = NSRange(range)
var points = range.map { step -> CGPoint in
let i = grainSize * CGFloat(step)
let x = x_base + (i * controller.width / 4.0)
let y = y_base + (m * equation(i))
if x_init == CGFloat.max { x_init = x }
return CGPointMake(x, y)
points.append(CGPointMake(x_init, y_base))
points.forEach { renderer.lineTo($0) }
I am wondering if someone can point me in the right direction for this - even to documentation regarding this, as I can't find anything about it in apple docs either =[
does not adopt Sequence
, just create the range literally as CountableClosedRange
let range = Int(min/grainSize)...Int(max/grainSize)