I have created access front end ACCDR from Access 2016. In order for users to use this file, users need to install Access runtime 2016.
Most of my users already have MS Office 2007 or 2010 installed. So, when users try opening the ACCRD file, after install Access runtime 2016. They still get an error as they are opening the file using the older version of Access (aka 2010) and not the 2016 version.
My question:
How to check if the user has the correct version of Access set as default? I am fine with paying for a software which checks this. I am also fine with editing registry if any or importing registry if any.
[ACCDR files are created by renaming ACCDE (Access compiled files)].
You can read the version directly:
Version = Application.Version
Should return "16.0". If not, pop a message to the user to open using Access 2016.
Even better, provide a shortcut for the user to open your app with the runtime.