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How to set button to the bottom of the screen in ionic 2 application

Trying to fix a button to the bottom of the screen in ionic 2 application, but i don't know why it is taking a space after button. I have tried alot of method even have changes the main.css regarding the button, but not able to fix it. Please help, I want to stick it to the bottom with no spaceenter image description here.

Code i am using for:

<ion-footer no-padding style="margin:0rem 0rem!Important;">
  <button ion-button block color="Dark" (click)="pushPage()">Explore</button>

<ion-footer> is kept outside of the <ion-content>, so as to make the button fixed on scrolling.Even on removing 'margin' and 'no-padding' no effect is found.


  • In app.scss(or in relative .scss) add the following code:

            margin-bottom: 0px;