I deleted my project from the filesystem, i cant recover it, neither with the recyclebin nor with a program to recover deleted files. BTW i have the app installed in the phone, but when i recover the APK i get the next files:
-Folder "lib" empty.
-split_lib_slice_0_apk.apk (i have 10 like this one only changing the number)
I have the way to get the source code of any apk, but when i try that process on the base.apk, i get none of my code, instead, i get 2 packages "com.android.tools.fd.common" and "com.android.tools.fd.runtime" with classes i never wrote.
I think i have that split because i was running my app with "Instant Run" activated without me noticing it.
Is there a way to join all this APKs to get the final one running on my phone?
Pd: I also tried the "Local History" solution and didnt work.
Solved, none of the programs you guys proposed work with my problem, i solved it decompiling every slice till i found the last change i have made on the code. Thank you for all your time!