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How to clear a value from an inline row, such as DateInlineRow?

If I use the DateInlineRow or any other inline row, there is no way to clear the value. How can this be done?


  • I had been working in your question, I will use DateInlineRow as example

    if you want to clear the value

       <<< DateInlineRow(){
            $0.tag = "inlineDateTime"
            }.cellSetup({ (dateCell, dateTimeRow) in
            // Setup the start date
            let currentDate = NSDate() as Date
            dateTimeRow.dateFormatter?.dateStyle = .short
            dateTimeRow.dateFormatter?.timeStyle = .short
            dateTimeRow.value = currentDate
            dateCell.textLabel?.text = "" //if you want clear the value in creation
        }).onCellSelection({ (cell, row) in
            row.cell.textLabel?.text = "" //if you want clear the value in cell selection
        }).onChange({ (row) in
            row.cell.textLabel?.text = "" //if you want clear the value on value change

    If you want to clear the value in some other button

    Search by tag and set the value of the row to nil

    if let dateTimeInlineRow = self.form.rowBy(tag: "inlineDateTime") as? DateInlineRow
                            if let baseCellText = dateTimeInlineRow.baseCell as? Cell<Date>
                                baseCellText.row.value = nil