How can I write docker containers in a Swarm to write data to any file system mount such as EBS, EFS, or even read data from S3?
Full answer details at
Here is the example
docker service create --replicas 10
--name echo-to-efs
--mount type=volume,source=echo_data,target=/test,volume-driver=rexray/efs
alpine /bin/sh -c 'echo "writing from $HOSTNAME" >> \
/test/echo.log ; cat /test/echo.log ; sleep 30'
Repeat for each of them, using their docker command-line arguments...
[root@ip-10-zz-yy-xx ec2-user]# sudo docker plugin install --grant-all-permissions rexray/s3fs
latest: Pulling from rexray/s3fs
5a6437c91cc6: Download complete
Digest: sha256:6ba105974d5298ff49def3c83e5547d41e573e0a3cb8604f1dcb1a0f90ee070b
Status: Downloaded newer image for rexray/s3fs:latest
Installed plugin rexray/s3fs
[ec2-user@ip-10-82-48-59 ~]$ docker plugin ls
0eb15d4a9594 rexray/s3fs:latest REX-Ray FUSE Driver for Amazon Simple Stor... true
6bae636cb377 rexray/ebs:latest REX-Ray for Amazon EBS true
9e231d9177c2 rexray/efs:latest REX-Ray for Amazon EFS true
As a rule of thumb, I learned the following:
So, the example below shows the following:
Last login: Mon Aug 21 00:34:46 2017 from
[ec2-user@ip-10-zz-yy-xx ~]$ docker service create --replicas 10
--name echo-to-efs
--mount type=volume,source=echo_data,target=/test,volume-driver=rexray/efs
alpine /bin/sh -c 'echo "writing from $HOSTNAME" >> /test/echo.log ; cat /test/echo.log ; sleep 30'
docker ps
shows some of them writing and failures
so, not sure if that's not related
[ec2-user@ip-10-82-48-59 ~]$ docker service ps echo-to-efs
8c8lxqcoc3n5 echo-to-efs.1 alpine:latest ip-10-82-48-59.vpc.internal Running Running 8 seconds ago
23meciw5cvad echo-to-efs.2 alpine:latest ip-10-82-49-52.vpc.internal Running Running 2 seconds ago
si7lg30kb13b \_ echo-to-efs.2 alpine:latest ip-10-82-48-93.vpc.internal Shutdown Failed about a minute ago "starting container failed: er…"
rmj163xu97ai echo-to-efs.3 alpine:latest ip-10-82-48-96.vpc.internal Running Running 7 seconds ago
5jtao2yu5udt echo-to-efs.4 alpine:latest ip-10-82-48-95.vpc.internal Running Running 8 seconds ago
wot9hd5nbjsz echo-to-efs.5 alpine:latest ip-10-82-49-71.vpc.internal Running Running 7 seconds ago
hcbbgfiuga9c echo-to-efs.6 alpine:latest ip-10-82-48-140.vpc.internal Running Starting 49 seconds ago
wrnnrsm16usr \_ echo-to-efs.6 alpine:latest ip-10-82-48-25.vpc.internal Shutdown Rejected 58 seconds ago "create echo_data: VolumeDrive…"
w3v4x0pf9uri \_ echo-to-efs.6 alpine:latest ip-10-82-48-37.vpc.internal Shutdown Rejected about a minute ago "create echo_data: VolumeDrive…"
okgda40hb4hy \_ echo-to-efs.6 alpine:latest ip-10-82-49-107.vpc.internal Shutdown Rejected about a minute ago "create echo_data: VolumeDrive…"
bzoafno0gb4d echo-to-efs.7 alpine:latest ip-10-82-48-74.vpc.internal Running Running 7 seconds ago
rk7uebz4cdql echo-to-efs.8 alpine:latest ip-10-82-49-111.vpc.internal Running Running 6 seconds ago
hy1rfid4zitl echo-to-efs.9 alpine:latest ip-10-82-48-162.vpc.internal Running Running 7 seconds ago
k5lmmmu44yh3 echo-to-efs.10 alpine:latest ip-10-82-48-187.vpc.internal Running Running 8 seconds ago
[ec2-user@ip-10-82-48-59 ~]$ docker service logs echo-to-efs
echo-to-efs.1.8c8lxqcoc3n5@ip-10-82-48-59.vpc.internal | writing from 3da21bc313f7
echo-to-efs.3.rmj163xu97ai@ip-10-82-48-96.vpc.internal | writing from 3da21bc313f7
echo-to-efs.1.8c8lxqcoc3n5@ip-10-82-48-59.vpc.internal | writing from 334b26ce3747
echo-to-efs.7.bzoafno0gb4d@ip-10-82-48-74.vpc.internal | writing from 3da21bc313f7
echo-to-efs.7.bzoafno0gb4d@ip-10-82-48-74.vpc.internal | writing from 334b26ce3747
echo-to-efs.3.rmj163xu97ai@ip-10-82-48-96.vpc.internal | writing from 334b26ce3747
echo-to-efs.1.8c8lxqcoc3n5@ip-10-82-48-59.vpc.internal | writing from fcefd6eb5035
echo-to-efs.1.8c8lxqcoc3n5@ip-10-82-48-59.vpc.internal | writing from 84ffd56fdcfa
echo-to-efs.1.8c8lxqcoc3n5@ip-10-82-48-59.vpc.internal | writing from b7ecbd01debe
echo-to-efs.1.8c8lxqcoc3n5@ip-10-82-48-59.vpc.internal | writing from e5ef2a2821a2
echo-to-efs.1.8c8lxqcoc3n5@ip-10-82-48-59.vpc.internal | writing from 5179f81f04f9
echo-to-efs.1.8c8lxqcoc3n5@ip-10-82-48-59.vpc.internal | writing from 5e859dce0c2f
echo-to-efs.7.bzoafno0gb4d@ip-10-82-48-74.vpc.internal | writing from fcefd6eb5035
echo-to-efs.3.rmj163xu97ai@ip-10-82-48-96.vpc.internal | writing from fcefd6eb5035
echo-to-efs.7.bzoafno0gb4d@ip-10-82-48-74.vpc.internal | writing from 84ffd56fdcfa
echo-to-efs.7.bzoafno0gb4d@ip-10-82-48-74.vpc.internal | writing from b7ecbd01debe
echo-to-efs.3.rmj163xu97ai@ip-10-82-48-96.vpc.internal | writing from 84ffd56fdcfa
echo-to-efs.3.rmj163xu97ai@ip-10-82-48-96.vpc.internal | writing from b7ecbd01debe
echo-to-efs.3.rmj163xu97ai@ip-10-82-48-96.vpc.internal | writing from e5ef2a2821a2
echo-to-efs.4.5jtao2yu5udt@ip-10-82-48-95.vpc.internal | writing from 3da21bc313f7
echo-to-efs.3.rmj163xu97ai@ip-10-82-48-96.vpc.internal | writing from 5179f81f04f9
echo-to-efs.7.bzoafno0gb4d@ip-10-82-48-74.vpc.internal | writing from e5ef2a2821a2
echo-to-efs.3.rmj163xu97ai@ip-10-82-48-96.vpc.internal | writing from 5e859dce0c2f
[ec2-user@ip-10-82-48-59 ~]$ docker run -ti --volume-driver=rexray/efs -v echo_data:/test alpine cat /test/echo.log
Unable to find image 'alpine:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/alpine
Digest: sha256:1072e499f3f655a032e88542330cf75b02e7bdf673278f701d7ba61629ee3ebe
Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine:latest
writing from 3da21bc313f7
writing from 334b26ce3747
writing from fcefd6eb5035
writing from 84ffd56fdcfa
writing from b7ecbd01debe
writing from e5ef2a2821a2
writing from 5179f81f04f9
writing from 5e859dce0c2f
writing from af94a5a29b4a
writing from a3f860caaf03
writing from b7b3d30d2f8e
writing from cf65a52760c0
writing from a551b529e599
writing from 0533784ce9e5
writing from d78f781baa4d
writing from 06b84229ec32
writing from 4e3974cfb8a9
writing from 007cd66062e7
writing from 665f76589ae2
writing from 68b04985559a
writing from 9a2e19e110fb
writing from 1ed7903abf86
writing from 763c7eea52fb
writing from 529c7fff9c71
writing from 7172d5fb56d9
writing from c33294ce8d9d
writing from b95a5b5f1bc1
writing from ff269d8a78ba
writing from b1299af12f30
writing from 4f970a6e234d
writing from a4a1f331b3c9
writing from bb3915d9d242
writing from 0fbafba12a0c
writing from 017f70a769da
writing from 8d657b23571f
writing from 570e2fa76e16
writing from 45a92f3d19b4
writing from 3b02cb3675e4
writing from e2d49358df6f
[ec2-user@ip-10-82-48-59 ~]$ docker volume ls
rexray/s3fs:latest 7820-3357-5600-us-west-2
rexray/s3fs:latest cf-templates-8hmsxuf2muaa-us-west-2
rexray/efs:latest echo_data
rexray/s3fs:latest marcello-12345
rexray/s3fs:latest marcello-testing-bucket-1
rexray/s3fs:latest marcello-testing-bucket-2
rexray/s3fs:latest new-config-publisher
rexray/ebs:latest quay-registry-configs
rexray/ebs:latest quay-registry-images-datastore
rexray/ebs:latest quay-registry-mysql-datastore
rexray/ebs:latest registry_configs
rexray/ebs:latest registry_mysql-data
rexray/s3fs:latest swarmbucket-vpc-155e5072