I have four lists (x1List, y1List, x2List, y2List) which hold 1000 values each, i want to plot these lists as x & y values using LiveCharts.
i understand how to plot the y values using;
new LineSeries
Title = "Series1",
Values = y1List.AsChartValues(),
PointGeometry = null
new LineSeries
Title = "Series2",
Values = y2List.AsChartValues(),
PointGeometry = null
I don't understand how to apply the x values to their respective series.
I'm new to c# so apologies if this is something simple i am overlooking.
You can use an ObserablePoint
object to store an X and Y value. Then you can create a ChartValues<ObservablePoint>
that will plot what I'm thinking you want to see. Make sure to include the statement for LiveCharts.Defualts namespace;
using LiveCharts.Defaults;
ChartValues<ObservablePoint> List1Points = new ChartValues<ObservablePoint>();
For(int i = x1List, i < x1List.Count, i++)
List1Points.Add(new ObservablePoint
Hopefully something like that will work for you.