I have a function to change the label text color on several labels that are part of an outlet collection.
I want to move this function from the view controller to a project file so I can reuse it.
How do I replace the reference to self
and pass the proper view conroller and outlet collection to the function?
func setLabelColor() {
var counter = 0
let myColor = UIColor.white
while counter < labelOutletCollection.count {
self.labelOutletCollection[counter].textColor = myColor
counter += 1
You may move this code to a separate file where you store your globally usable functions and make the array of labels a parameter.
func setLabelColor(_ labels: [UILabel]) {
var counter = 0
let myColor = UIColor.white
while counter < labels.count {
labels[counter].textColor = myColor
counter += 1
On another node, this code can be much cleaner by replacing it with a single forEach
labels.forEach { $0.textColor = .white }
You can use this function like this: