I'm using Delphi's GetPropValue()
function to get values of certain properties of some objects of type TControl
. Everything works correctly when I get simple property values such as Value
, Opacity
, etc, but as I'm using firemonkey there are some extended properties, such as RotationCenter
, it has RotationCenter.X
and RotationCenter.Y
, or even properties of text within TextSettings
, in these properties with sub-types I can not get the values.
In this example I get the values correctly:
If IsPublishedProp (Component_cc, 'Value') then
EditValue.Text: = GetPropValue (Component_cc, 'Value', true);
Where Component_cc:TControl
; And is created dynamically, it can also be any type of Firemonkey component (so far everything is okay, everything works).
When I need to use the form below, it does not work.
If IsPublishedProp (Component_cc, 'RotationCenter.X') then
EditRotationCenterX.Text: = GetPropValue (CC_component, 'RotationCenter.X', true);
Does anyone know a way to get these properties extended by this function?
First, the CC_component's RotationCenter
property is actually an instance of TPosition
class which decends from TPersistent
Second, you cannot use dotted notation when calling IsPublishedProp
You can use GetObjectProp
to first retrieve the internal TPosition
instance and then access the X
property from there:
(Assume a simple FMX application with one form that contains a TButton
called Button1
and a TEdit
called EditRotationCenterX
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
CC_component : TComponent;
CC_component_RotationCenter : TPosition;
CC_component := Button1;
if IsPublishedProp(CC_component, 'RotationCenter') then
CC_component_RotationCenter := TPosition(GetObjectProp(CC_component, 'RotationCenter'));
EditRotationCenterX.Text := CC_component_RotationCenter.X.ToString;
Update, for a property of type Set:
For a Set type property, you will need to retrieve its ordinal value using GetOrdProp
. This will be the array of bits that represent which elements are included in the current value. Then, you simply test if the appropriate bit is set. This is the method I would prefer.
Alternatively you can use GetSetProp
which will return a text representation of the elements in the Set's current value. For example, if the Set's value is [TCorner.BottonLeft, TCorner.TopRight]
the you will get back the string value "TopRight,BottonLeft". You then check to see if the name of your target element appears anywhere in the returned string. This method is susceptible to failure if the Delphi RTL or FMX libraries are ever changed in the future.
(This example adds a TRectangle
shape called Rectangle1
and a TCheckBox
called cbCornerBottonRight
to the simple FMX App from above:)
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
CC_component : TComponent;
CC_component_Corners : nativeint;
CC_component_CornersAsString : string;
CC_component := Rectangle1;
if IsPublishedProp(CC_component, 'Corners') then
// Using this method will make your code less sensitive to
// changes in the ordinal values of the Set's members or
// changes to names of the enumeration elements.
CC_component_Corners := GetOrdProp(CC_component,'Corners');
cbCornerBottonRight.IsChecked := ((1 shl ord(TCorner.BottomRight)) and CC_component_Corners) <> 0;
// This approach may break if the names of the elements of
// the TCorner enumeration are ever changed. (BTW, they have
// been in the past: "cvTopLeft", "cvTopRight", "cvBottomLeft",
// and "cvBottomRight" are now deprecated)
CC_component_CornersAsString := GetSetProp(CC_component,'Corners');
cbCornerBottonRight.IsChecked := CC_component_CornersAsString.IndexOf('BottomRight') >= 0;