i have a telegram bot API program using long polling to run this bot i put this function (that enable my telegram bot) in Global.asax and call it in Application_Start() when i start project telegram bot works properly until it has 1 user, when 2nd user start to work with bot the user 2nd user update doesn't make another thread and it works in the following of the 1st user progress!
For example: user #1 send a message (update) as "AnswerForm" so bot pass first condition and wait for user to enter Form Id in a long polling cycle, in this time when another user start bot and send message to him bot receive it as user 1 Form Id! i guessed it would make another thread for him but i don't know i doesn't happen. So how can I solve this?
static async void testApiAsync()
var Bot = new Telegram.Bot.TelegramBotClient("my_token");
var me = await Bot.GetMeAsync();
int offset = 0;
while (true)
var updates = await Bot.GetUpdatesAsync(offset);
foreach (var update in updates)
offset = update.Id + 1; //new offset id
if (update.Message != null)
if (update.Message.Text == "AnswerForm")
string askFormId = "send Form Id";
await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(update.Message.Chat.Id, askFormId);
while (true)
//here was my code that
//wait for user to enter Form Id
catch { }
I found the problem! it was deep and big! in this api user does not submit any thing and in server i don't receive continuously thread to authenticate each user with!
so to solve the problem i should Track each user using save their session in DB and any time they send new message i follow what they did before and let them do the following...