I have ViewController and there is UIView in it.
This UIView has separate class myView and there are many UI elements - one of them is CollectionView.
What I want is to perform segue when one of collection elements in myView is selected. But when I try to add line
performSegue(withIdentifier: "myIdintifier", sender: self)
to collection's view didSelectItemAt method I get error
Use of unresolved identifier 'performSegue'
And I understand that this is because I do it inside class that extends UIView and not UIViewController.
So how can I perfrom segue in this case? And also how can I prepare for segue?
Here I am going to evaluate it in step by step manner.
Step - 1
Create custom delegate using protocol as below snippet will guide you on your custom UIView. protocol
must exist out of your custom view scope.
protocol CellTapped: class {
/// Method
func cellGotTapped(indexOfCell: Int)
Don't forgot to create delegate variable of above class as below on your custom view
var delegate: CellTapped!
Go with your collection view didSelect method as below
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if(delegate != nil) {
self.delegate.cellGotTapped(indexOfCell: indexPath.item)
Step - 2
Let's come to the your view controller. give the CellTapped
to your viewcontroller.
class ViewController: UIViewController,CellTapped {
@IBOutlet weak var myView: MyUIView! //Here is your custom view outlet
override func viewDidLoad() {
myView.delegate = self //Assign delegate to self
// Here you will get the event while you tapped the cell. inside it you can perform your performSegue method.
func cellGotTapped(indexOfCell: Int) {
print("Tapped cell is \(indexOfCell)")
Hope this will help you.