If I wanted to add a new hash to all the arrays in the mother_hash
using a loop, what would be the syntax?
My hash:
my %mother_hash = (
'daughter_hash1' => [
'e' => '-4.3',
'seq' => 'AGGCACC',
'end' => '97',
'start' => '81'
'daughter_hash2' => [
'e' => '-4.4',
'seq' => 'CAGT',
'end' => '17',
'start' => '6'
'e' => '-4.1',
'seq' => 'GTT',
'end' => '51',
'start' => '26'
'e' => '-4.1',
'seq' => 'TTG',
'end' => '53',
'start' => '28'
If you have a hash of arrays of hashes and want to add a new hash to the end of each of the arrays, you can do:
push @{ $_ }, \%new_hash for (values %mother_hash);
This loop iterates over the values of %mother_hash
(which are array refs in this case) and setting $_
for each iteration. Then in each iteration, we push the reference to the new hash %new_hash
to the end of that array.