I'm trying to find all subfolders in a file's path that have 'others exec' permission.
I've tried to use strtok(path_str,"/")
to break the path string, but when using stat()
for the sub-directories of the root of the process I run, I get the "not a file or folder" error.
Any suggestions on how I can overcome this error?
I've fixed it,
First I removed the first '/' from the path (I'm not fully understand why it so) Than I Changed the code into do-while to access the file at the end. So here is the entire code:
int retval;
if (temp_ptr != NULL) //before the first strrchr its null
*temp_ptr = 0;
if (*temp_path)
retval = stat(temp_path, statbuf);
retval = stat("/", statbuf);
if (retval < 0){
printf("\tis a directory\n");
}else if(S_ISREG(statbuf->st_mode)){
printf("\tis a regular file\n");
} while ((temp_ptr = strrchr(temp_path, '/')));
Thank You caf and all for your assistance.