Search code examples

Picasso, image not shown

I am using a Class that implements GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter.

I want to show an image loaded from internet inside the info window:

    public View getInfoContents(final Marker m) {
        //Carga layout personalizado.
        View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.info_windows_origen, null);
        String info = m.getTitle();
        String direccion = m.getSnippet();

        String url = m.getSnippet();
        ((TextView)v.findViewById("PUNTO DE PARTIDA");
        ImageView imgProfile =(ImageView)v.findViewById(;

        SharedPreferences prefs =
                getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences(MISDATOS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

        String imagen = prefs.getString("imagen", "");

        Log.d("BOTON ORIGEN ","mi imagen "+urlProfileImg+imagen);


        return v;

I have checked both, the image URL and the image name, and both are correct, but the image is not shown.


  • Be sure you have internet permission in the manifest. Try removing fit Posting the url you are providing would be easier to work with