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what programming languages are used for making medium sized softwares?

please excuse the stupidity of my question..

Things like Adobe After Effects, Apple final cut, Pro tools, photoshop.. also, things like Windows media player, real player

What programming languages are used to build those?

I'm really interested in knowing, Thanks


  • If you look up many major applications in Wikipedia, they will have a side-box providing information including the development language (where known).

    Applications are built using whatever language is relevant to the domain in question. However due to their ubiquitous nature, minimal run-time, general purpose applicability, high performance, extensibility via libraries, and the sheer body of practitioners, C, and C++ are prevalent.

    On Windows C++ is likely to be used more often than C for large scale commercial applications, in part due to the fact that with the release of Visual C++ and MFC in the early 1990's, Microsoft made it their preferred development language for Windows. With the release of the .NET framework however, the preferred development language is less of an issue, and C#, VB.NET, C++/CLI and other .NET languages may be used, but few major consumer applications that I am aware of yet use .NET (and if you compare the performance of say the excellent but slow Paint.NET with PhotoShop Elements for example, you can probably see why!), it is used extensively however in bespoke application development (banking sector for example, where the client interface performance is less of an issue).

    C is still commonly used on Linux applications. Linux itself is written in C, and its primary API is a C interface. There are plenty of C++ based application interfaces and libraries however, especially for GUI interfaces such as KDE, WxWidgets, and Qt.

    OSX and iOS applications are commonly written in Objective-C since that is Apple's preferred development language and OS API.

    Android applications are typically written in Java, because the Google Android API is a Java library. But these are not typically "really large softwares"[sic]