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add entity inside other with many to one relation in sonata

I'm using Symfony and sonata bundle, and I have 2 Entities, related with a ManyToOne/OneToMany relation as follows:

One Category can have many SubCategory entities. For that, in Sonata's FormMapper, when I add a new category I want to add a button to display a popup to to create more than one SubCategory .. so how can I override the Twig of Sonata to do that?


class CategoryAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
            ->add('subcats', 'entity', array(
                'class'=> 'ProductBundle\Entity\SubCategory',
                'multiple' => true,


  • You can use your one template by adding:

        ->add('subcats', 'entity', array(
            'class'=> 'ProductBundle\Entity\SubCategory',
            'multiple' => true,
            'attr' => array('template'=> 'your\path\to\twig')

    and this twig should extends from base_edit_form.html.twig

    {% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_edit_form.html.twig' %}
        {% block field %}
                // put your code here
        {% endblock %}

    Or you have an other solution that can fix your problem, you can use the Sonata_Type_Model

      ->add('subcats','sonata_type_model', array(
          'multiple' => true, 
          'by_reference' => false

    This solution will give you that you like, a button to add and remove to create your SubCategory