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Process facebook messenger url image

I'm trying to process this image provided by messenger-platform API (send-api-reference)

I used: url = ""

def tensor_photobot(photo_url):
  file = cStringIO.StringIO(urllib.urlopen(photo_url).read())
  img =

  if img:
    list_elements = process_image(img)
    return json.dumps(list_elements)

But the image is not recognized. Any idea?


{u'mid': u'mid.$cAAbv-uhIfdVkIn9OVld8TqA6u2Hz', u'seq': 40125, u'attachments': [{u'type': u'image', u'payload': {u'url': u''}}]}

[Reference][1] python 2.x


Edit: following comment recommendations, I detected the problem is from url-string truncation.

I added all the implementation for more context.


  • From my comment in case the answer is needed by anyone in the future:

    The query string is being truncated from the URL. To load the image, the entire URL including the query string is required.