Hi I have hit a bit of a brick wall, I have been redesigning my menu navigation for my app. which I have managed to do. But now one of the features of my app has decided to stop functioning.
The idea is you shake your phone and it chooses a picture at random, the code separate from the app works fine, just as it has done on all previous versions of it, I even ran it quickly in it's present form on it's own just in case and it worked perfectly.
hopefully somebody can point me in the direction of where I have gone wrong.
my code is as follows;
import Foundation
import UIKit
class cocktailChoice: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var drinkImage: UIImageView!
var drinkNamesArray:[String] = ["cocktailList0","cocktailList1","cocktailList2","cocktailList3","cocktailList4","cocktailList5","cocktailList6","cocktailList7","cocktailList8","cocktailList9","cocktailList10","cocktailList11","cocktailList12","cocktailList13","cocktailList14","cocktailList15","cocktailList16","cocktailList17","cocktailList18","cocktailList19","cocktailList20","cocktailList21","cocktailList22","cocktailList23","cocktailList24","cocktailList25","cocktailList26","cocktailList27","cocktailList28","cocktailList29","cocktailList30","cocktailList31"]
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func motionEnded(_ motion: UIEventSubtype, with event: UIEvent?) {
if motion == .motionShake{
let firstRandomNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(32))
let DrinkString:String = self.drinkNamesArray[firstRandomNumber]
self.drinkImage.image = UIImage(named: DrinkString)
it compiles with no errors, the IBOutlet is connect, it has no errors that i can see but the shake action doesn't want to play. getting very frustrating now.
Instead of this part if motion == .motionShake{
, can you try to use this:
if(event.subtype == .motionShake) {
print("Shake event!")