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CSS to add to Jekyll Minima, not completely override it

I am building my first Jekyll site and am happy with the Minima theme as a starting point. I would however like to customise some aspects of the site, such as colours, adding elements to layouts etc.

However, whenever I create a stylesheet or layout in the following structure(currently empty files, as I want to add supplementary elements ad hoc)


It overrides the default layout and style, leaving a styleless website.

How can one supplement the Jekyll Minima theme, without overwriting the default?


  • By virtue of the way gem-based Jekyll themes work, any file at source-directory take precedence over the same file if it exists in the theme-gem. i.e., <source>/_sass/minima.scss will override the entire <theme-gem>/_sass/minima.scss by its mere presence.

    To make simple changes like changing the color, alter the variable values in _sass/minima.scss

    To alter layout styles, copy both _sass/minima.scss and _sass/minima/_layout.scss to source, and then alter the _layout partial

    Or if you simply want to add to Minima, do the following:

    • First create a new sass sheet (say, custom.scss) in your _sass directory.
    • Then into your assets/dir, copy the main.scss from Minima
    • Then add a new import rule to the copied main.scss:

      @import "minima";
      @import "custom";
    • Now whatever styles you add to custom.css should be picked up by Jekyll