I tried using the JWI library for WordNet but I always seem to have an IOException despite catching it. The dictionary won't open.
wnhome = "C:/Program Files (x86)/WordNet/2.1";
path = wnhome + File.separator + "dict";
try {
url = new URL("file", null, path);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
IDictionary dict = new Dictionary(url);
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
textView.setText("" + dict.isOpen());
// look up first sense of the word "dog"
IIndexWord idxWord = dict.getIndexWord("dog", POS.NOUN);
IWordID wordID = idxWord.getWordIDs().get(0);
IWord word = dict.getWord(wordID);
textView.setText("Id = " + wordID);
textView.setText("Lemma = " + word.getLemma());
textView.setText("Gloss = " + word.getSynset().getGloss());
Weird side of this is these codes perfectly runs on Netbeans.
On your computer, this works fine. The URL directs to the location on your computer where it is installed.
If you try to run this on Android, iOS (some cross-platform tools allows ios dev in Java) on either a real device or in an emulator, you reference the internal system of a different device, thus it can't find the file and throws an exception. This exception being a FileNotFoundException. When I write this you haven't added your stacktrace yet, but I can guarantee it is a FileNotFOundException. YOu reference your computer, not the Android device. You have two options to solve it:
If I ran that code on my computer I would get a FNFE, as I don't have Wordnet on my computer. If wordnet is in any other install, same exception.
You wrote you get an IOException, but FileNotFOundException leads to an IOException. A stacktrace could look like:
caused by IOException:
so on
caused by FileNotFoundException
FNFE leads to IOException. FNFE is btw a type of IOException (FileNotFoundException extends IOException)
Your Android device can't access your computer's wordnet install, therefore it throws a FNFE which leads to an IOException (top-level issue, just like a NullPointer can show a RuntimeException at the top of the stacktrace and then have the NPE piece further down)
You need to get access to a Wordnet install on your Android device, either by using a server or downloading it after the app is installed